Barnes Music Society aims to provide enjoyment of music by providing a variety of first class evening concerts at local venues.
The society in its current form was created through a merger in 1985 of Castlenau Concerts with the Barnes Music Club, although its roots go back over more than 50 years. We have an impressive record of identifying stars of the future, and the annual seasons of concerts feature not only internationally recognised performers but also talented local musicians and local composers.
We also aim to encourage local young musicians by both our co-sponsorship of the Barnes Young Musician competition as well as providing an opportunity for them to perform in front of an audience at our AGM.
Recitals & Young Musicians' Event Coordinator
Pat Smith
Tel: 07771 802927
Email: p.joyce.smith@gmail.com
Admin & Membership Coordinator
Anne Page
Tel: 07931 730009
Email: annepage41@gmail.com